News Brief
Energy Star Pioneer Sam Rashkin to Receive Hanley Award
The Hanley Award for Vision and Leadership in Sustainable Housing will go this year to Sam Rashkin, chief architect at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Building Technologies Program. Rashkin previously helped found the Energy Star for Homes program, and he served as national director of the program for 15 years. Rashkin is widely recognized as a passionate and influential advocate of high-performance homes.
Rashkin also helped develop LEED for Homes, the National Association of Home Builders’ green building guidelines, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s WaterSense labeling program.
He is the third person to receive the award, which includes a sizable grant, and which will be presented at the national convention of The American Institute of Architects in May 2012. The prior recipients were Ed Mazria, FAIA, founder of Architecture 2030, and Alex Wilson, founder and executive editor of BuildingGreen, Inc., publisher of EBN.
“Sam has done more than anyone to dramatically improve the energy performance of new homes,” according to Wilson, who served as a judge for this year’s award. “His perseverance and tenacity in generating builder support for Energy Star Homes has been phenomenal. No one is more deserving of this award than Sam.”
The Hanley Foundation, Hanley Wood, and Builder and EcoHome magazines are the award’s sponsors.
For more information:
Published January 30, 2012 Permalink Citation
Melton, P. (2012, January 30). Energy Star Pioneer Sam Rashkin to Receive Hanley Award. Retrieved from
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