News Brief
To Save Cities, Save Trees
Urban trees offer more than just shade. A new study looks at their considerable economic value to megacities.
According to the researchers, urban trees are known to:
- Remove air pollution
- Manage stormwater runoff
- Reduce heating and cooling costs in buildings
- Sequester carbon
The scientists put a dollar amount on of each of these natural functions that benefit humans, also known as ecosystem services. Their goal? Provide a baseline that can be used strategically to increase conservation efforts in megacities worldwide, including London, Los Angeles, Cairo, Tokyo, and others. (A megacity has a population of more than ten million.)
Unlike in smaller cities, estimating tree cover in megacities is quite difficult and expensive when using on-the-ground surveys, according to the paper, so the scientists had to develop a way to do it using computer modeling. The models account for the costs of managing trees.
The total annual value of tree cover in each megacity averaged more than $500 million. Air pollution reduction was the most prominent benefit. Overall, researchers found that urban trees provide nearly $1 million in these services per square kilometer per year. Urban forests also provide $20,000/km2 of stormwater processing, $820/km2 in reduced heating and cooling expenses, and $17,000/km2 in carbon sequestration services.
Perhaps the best news of all: according to modeled projections, the average megacity has space to increase its urban tree cover by 85%, which would increase all these benefits by a similar amount.
More about trees
Tree-Covered Neighborhoods Pop Out Healthier Babies
Kids Breathe Easier When Trees Eat Smog
Urban Trees Curb Shady Behavior
For more information:
Ecological Modeling, Volume 360, 24 September 2017, Pages 328–335
Published October 6, 2017 Permalink Citation
Melton, P. (2017, October 6). To Save Cities, Save Trees . Retrieved from
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