Live Webinar
Live Webinar- High Performance Building Assemblies Part 3: Making glazing less opaque
Tue, Oct 9th, 2018 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT)
Glazing is by far the most complex single component of our enclosures and it must be climate-tuned to boot. Getting the amount, the location, and the performance attributes of glazing is key to high performance buildings. In this webinar, we will work through glazing technologies and options, using web-based glazing tools to optimize both the glazing and the opaque portions of our wall assemblies.
Join BuildingGreen's Peter Yost for the third part of a four-part webinar series on high performance building assemblies. When you register for part 3, you will receive links to watch recordings of parts 1 and 2.
Coming up next in the webinar series
Part 4: Thermal Comfort – Connecting physics, people, and performance
About Peter Yost
Peter brings more than 30 years experience in building, researching, teaching, writing, and consulting on high-performance buildings to his twin roles as vice-president of building performance for BuildingGreen, and technical director for Taunton Press’s His expertise ranges from construction waste management and advanced framing to energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and building durability.
Peter has been called upon to provide this building-science expertise to leading building industry high performance efforts, including USGBC's LEED for Homes and REGREEN, EPA’s WaterSense, DOE’s Building America, and IWBI’s WELL programs. Peter is a Lecturer for Yale’s graduate program in Forestry & Environmental Studies, an instructor for the Boston Architectural College's Sustainable Design Certificate program, and Research Associate with the University of Massachusetts Department of Building Construction and Technology program. A LEED AP, he is a past co-chair of the USGBC's LEED for Homes program, and a certified instructor/course author for the NAHB Advanced Green Building: Building Science certificate program. Peter’s work for BuildingGreen, Inc. includes both academic and vocational instruction, field research on building products, building investigations, construction document review, and technical research and writing.
Peter recently completed certification as an Accredited Building Enclosure Commissioning Process Provider (BECxP)/Commissioning Authority+Building Enclosure (CxA+BE) – University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Engineering and Department of Engineering Professional Development (2016).
Finally, you are bound to discover this anyway, but Peter is a certified wingnut.
*Please note: each person who intends to earn CEUs for this webinar needs to purchase their own seat.