News Brief
A Growing Embodied Carbon Library

The library contains introductory materials like these, as well as more advanced, in-depth resources.
Image: Carbon Leadership ForumA shift has also occurred in what kinds of emissions we need to address. In order to decarbonize the building industry within an acceptable time frame, we need to consider not only the carbon produced during operations but also the greenhouse gas emissions associated with our building materials—their embodied carbon.
So how do we do that?
The Carbon Leadership Forum (CLF) has introduced an online resource library designed to answer that question. The library features dozens of entry points into the issues associated with embodied carbon, and it’s growing as more people contribute. From a basic fact sheet (“Embodied Carbon 101”) to a series of in-depth technical seminars (“Learning About Forests, Carbon, and Wood”), the library highlights resources produced by CLF, as well as by outside organizations and people. The website also has instructions for submitting new resources to include.
More on embodied carbon
The Urgency of Embodied Carbon and What You Can Do about It
Can Concrete Become Carbon Neutral?
For more information:
Carbon Leadership Forum
Published March 1, 2021 Permalink Citation
Melton, P. (2021, February 17). A Growing Embodied Carbon Library . Retrieved from
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