News Brief
ASID Commits to Addressing Climate, Health, and Equity
Interior design is inherently people-centered and can have dire impacts on the environment, the national board of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) declares in a new position statement on climate, health, and equity. The organization says it’s time for its industry to commit to these “three tenets of design excellence.”
The statement refers to climate change as “the biggest single threat to health and economic prosperity on the planet” and calls on interior designers to pay attention to carbon impacts and strive for circular economy. The organization then urges focus on both human and ecological health. On equity, the board says that interior design “should be an instrument for the integration of diverse populations by creating opportunities for community cohesion that address inclusion, accessibility, and fair trade.”
The statement commits to creating educational programs, providing new tools, and advocating for public policy changes. And as part of multidisciplinary teams, the statement notes, interior designers need to form strategic alliances with other professionals to meet these goals.
To meet its pledge, ASID has created a task force that will develop and oversee implementation of programs on climate, health, and equity, starting with industry education.
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For more information:
American Society of Interior Designers
Published November 1, 2021 Permalink Citation
Melton, P. (2021, November 1). ASID Commits to Addressing Climate, Health, and Equity. Retrieved from
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