April Fools
BuildingGreen Rebrands LEEDuser to Increase Transparency
April 1, 2023
BuildingGreen will be changing the name of its LEED certification project tool, LEEDuser.com, to the more apt FOLLOWuser.com.
“One of our core values at BuildingGreen is transparency,” said BuildingGreen founder Alex Wilson, “so we believe it makes the most sense to highlight that professionals building with LEED certification guidelines aren’t actually leading with their own ideas about what makes a project sustainable, but rather following guidelines already established by someone else.”
BuildingGreen began the process of renaming the website after confusion among designers, contractors, and engineers over whether they had the ability to decide what constituted a LEED-certified building.
One subscriber shared how their building failed to achieve certification despite their project being built using entirely green materials, right down to the lime green insulation hidden from view in the finished product.
Another subscriber shared frustrations that he didn’t receive any Outdoor Water Use Reduction credits in LEED V4.1 after refraining from going swimming in the ocean for the duration of the project, despite it being peak swimming season.
“Much has been gained from championing green building professionals as leaders in the industry,” said BuildingGreen president Nadav Malin, Hon. AIA, recently, “but we find it an important moment to take a step back and emphasize how following the requirements of a certification is essential in order to gain that certification for your project.”
If you are a current subscriber to LEEDuser.com, rest assured: as we transition to the new name, you will only have to pay a small fee for having had access to both LEEDuser.com and FOLLOWuser.com with only one subscription.
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