News Analysis
New Climate-Smart-Wood Guidance and a Call for Pilot Partners
As more project teams question timber’s “carbon neutrality,” a growing coalition blazes a common-sense but potentially perilous path forward.
by P.J. Melton
Building professionals looking to reduce embodied carbon don’t have to go very far before tripping over the claim that new buildings—and even entire cities—can become carbon sinks instead of carbon emitters through the use of mass timber.
But in a space often characterized by murky math and madcap marketing, the Climate Smart Wood Group (CSWG) has a clear and refreshing message: climate-smart forestry may be less visible than industrial forestry, but it is common in North America.
Published October 9, 2023
Melton, P. (2023, October 9). New Climate-Smart-Wood Guidance and a Call for Pilot Partners. Retrieved from