News Brief

Green Homes for Chicago

The “Factor 10 House” was designed by EHDD Architecture to reduce life-cycle impacts by a factor of 10 compared to a conventional home. In this photo, south-facing clerestory windows look out on a fledgling green roof.

Photo: Chaffee Group

Nathan Kipnis Architects’ “Base Green Home” combines off-the-shelf technologies and materials in an affordable design. The home is organized on a 2-foot (0.6 m) rough-framing grid to reduce lumber waste.

Photo: Chaffee Group

The two-story entry atrium of this home, designed by Sean Garrett Architecture, passively ventilates summer heat through operable skylights.

Photo: Chaffee Group
In 2000,

the Chicago Departments of Environment and Housing held the

Green Homes for Chicago competition to solicit green, single-family home designs (see EBN

Vol. 10, No. 1). Designs were judged on affordability, energy efficiency, sustainability, and how well they fit the economic and social context of surrounding communities. Winning projects were designed by EHDD Architecture, Ross Architecture, Sean Garrett Architecture, William Worn Architects, P.C., and Nathan Kipnis Architects, Inc. The winning projects are now open for tours before being sold as affordable housing. The energy performance of all five homes will be monitored over the next year and a half, and lessons learned will inform the design of future affordable housing programs. More information is available at:

Published October 1, 2003

(2003, October 1). Green Homes for Chicago. Retrieved from

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