8th Edition of EBN Archives Published

EBN Archives is now in production and should be shipping by the end of May. The CD-ROM features 99 back issues of
Environmental Building News, from the very first, in 1992, through the end of 2003—more than 1,600 pages of reporting delivered in Adobe® PDF format.
Find what you need using the fast and comprehensive text-search feature, browse a menu of articles organized by LEED
® credit, or view contents by issue. (Text-searching of the
Archives requires Adobe
® Reader
® 6, which is provided on the CD-ROM for both Mac and PC users.)
EBN Archives (version 8.0) costs $199 for new users. Owners of prior versions may upgrade for only $79.
Visit www.BuildingGreen.com or call our office at 800-861-0954 for more information or to order.
Published May 1, 2004 Permalink Citation
(2004, May 1). 8th Edition of EBN Archives Published. Retrieved from https://www.buildinggreen.com/op-ed/8th-edition-ebn-archives-published
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