More Green Programs
I enjoyed your review of green building programs throughout the U.S. (“State and Local Green Building Programs,”
Vol. 11, No. 6). However, ours wasn’t on it! Of course, it is difficult to keep up with all the amazing things happening in the field of green building.
Our Marin County, California program (created in the summer of 2001) is called BEST (Building Energy Efficient Structures Today) and Green Building Program. The program, applicable to residential and commercial buildings, offers: fast-track permits and rebated energy fees; energy-efficiency rebates; free technical assistance; a green building resources library and exhibit (including BuildingGreen’sGreenSpec binder and product samples); and staff and public workshops.
We have revised building codes to encourage green building and developed “The Countrywide Plan Update” with the overarching theme of sustainability. Future plans include green builder certification; a “Big and Tall Ordinance,” limiting energy use of homes over 3,500 ft2 (325 m2); and a Construction and Demolition Waste Ordinance. To learn more about our program, visit
www.co.marin.ca.us and search for “green building.”
Thanks for all the incredible work you are doing at
Sam Ruark, LEED
Sustainability Assistant Planner
County of Marin, California
Editor’s Note:
We also regret omitting the County of San Mateo’s Green Building program, which requires that county buildings be constructed to LEED™ standards. Details are online at:
Published July 1, 2002 Permalink Citation
(2002, July 1). More Green Programs. Retrieved from https://www.buildinggreen.com/op-ed/more-green-programs
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