New Edition of EBN Archives Available

EBN Archives has just been released.
Version 6.0 includes all issues of
Environmental Building News, from our very first in 1992 through the end of 2001. That’s a total of 77 issues and more than 1,350 pages—all in Adobe Acrobat™ files that are fully searchable and appear just as they did in print (with the addition of color for the past several years).
An exciting new feature in Version 6.0 is a directory that makes it easy to find articles that relate to LEED™ credits (LEED is the green building rating system developed by the U.S. Green Building Council). For example, under Water Efficiency Credit #2 (Innovative Wastewater Technologies), you find links to three feature articles, two product reviews, and three book reviews. Under Materials and Resources Credit #2 (Construction Waste Management), there are links to three feature articles, four news stories, one product review, and four book reviews.
Another important feature provides access to updated contact information, including Web sites, for more than 450 products reviewed or mentioned in
EBN since 1992. A link in the original article takes you to an online listing of the current information. Our product researcher, Tori Wiechers, updates this information regularly throughout the year.
Other features include two ways to quickly search for information (Acrobat’s built-in search function and our cumulative topical index with more than 11,000 entries), our updated bibliography of the best resources on green building, and one-click links to several dozen quick-reference checklists from
EBN. The
EBN Archives can be accessed from the CD or loaded onto your hard drive for convenience. Multi-user licenses are available for companies and agencies wanting to provide the Archives on an in-house Intranet.
Published April 1, 2002 Permalink Citation
(2002, April 1). New Edition of EBN Archives Available. Retrieved from https://www.buildinggreen.com/op-ed/new-edition-ebn-archives-available
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