Product Review

iCrete Mixes Stronger Concrete With Less Cement

Editor's Note 12/17/15: iCrete appears to have gone out of business since this article was written.

iCrete, based in Beverly Hills, California, has developed a proprietary algorithm for designing concrete mixes that it says can reduce portland cement content by 10%–40% without compromising strength. Cement production is energy-intensive; in a concrete mix with 12% cement, the cement is responsible for 92% of the embodied energy of the mix. In addition, extra cement usually increases early strength gain but can compromise long-term durability and cause other problems. iCrete uses an analytic process to optimize cement content to maintain or increase strength without any special admixtures.

Published March 26, 2009

Wilmeth, M. (2009, March 26). iCrete Mixes Stronger Concrete With Less Cement. Retrieved from