Product Review

Two Quick Lead Test Kits

Lead poisoning is arguably the most significant health risk faced by remodelers and restoration contractors. According to HUD, 57 million homes in the United States contain at least some lead paint. To work safely in older houses, you have to know whether lead paint is present. Analysis using sophisticated x-ray fluorescence meters and atomic absorption spectrophotometers can measure the quantity of lead present, but the tests are expensive and usually require sending samples to a laboratory. More appropriate for most remodeling and restoration contractors are inexpensive lead test kits that use sodium rhodizonate or potassium rhodizonate. These indicate whether or not lead is present—but not how much. To find out just what’s involved in using these lead test kits, EBN tried out the Pace Environs

Lead Alert and HybriVet Systems’

Published March 1, 1993

(1993, March 1). Two Quick Lead Test Kits. Retrieved from