Study Guide and Practice Exams
WELL AP Study Guide and Practice Exams v2
The BuildingGreen & GreenStep exam prep materials have been updated to the latest version based on the actual v2 exam. The new study guide and practice exams are now available for your purchase and use in preparing yourself to take the exam.
If you are interested in sharing this WELL AP Exam Study Guide within your organization and adding a copy to your library, please purchase the site license guide. The site license permits the purchaser to share the PDF Study Guide file within their company/organization and post it on their intranet. Site licenses do not include practice exams.
Get Ready!
The WELL Accredited Professional credential signifies familiarity with wellness concepts and the WELL Building Standard. But earning the credential isn’t easy: the WELL AP exam covers tons of details you’ll need to know by heart to net a passing score.
Our comprehensive, updated WELL AP study guide covers clearly and concisely everything you need to know as a WELL AP.
In creating this v2 Guide and our new related practice exams, we’ve combed the Building Standard Certification and Portfolio guidebooks and delivered the relevant exam information and prep guidance in one valuable resource. With our Guide and practice exams at your fingertips, you’ll know just what you need to know, where to look for it, and what to remember.
We’ll show you:
The shortcut to keeping track of the 105 WELL features (i.e., which thresholds you need to memorize and which ones you can skip)
The key facts for each WELL requirement you’re most likely to be tested on
The details of WELL language you need to memorize, and the ones you’ll be able to infer from context when taking the exam
Your purchase includes:
170-page PDF Study Guide
2 full-length online practice exams
Know what you need to know
The key to passing any multiple-choice exam is knowing exactly what to study, and just as importantly, knowing what not to study. The information you’ll gather from our Study Guide is both relevant and important in understanding the concepts covered on the WELL exam. We’ve done the digging for you.
While other exam prep resources focus on quantity, we focus on quality. We don’t believe you need to memorize everything in the manuals; it’s simply too much information. We help you learn which information is most important for each feature: the requirements, strategies, health impacts, and related statistics.
Practice exams that prepare you
Our practice exams are just as valuable as our Study Guide in preparing you for the WELL AP exam. We recommend working through all of our practice exams at least twice until you are confident in every answer. To assist in this, we provide a general step-by-step approach and schedule in preparing you for the exam.
Purchase your WELL AP Exam Study Guide and practice exams today!
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