Opposition to the Border Wall does not make sense and is very naive. We have a serious problem with terrorism. Even Saudi Arabia is building a Border Wall between it and Iraq.
News Brief
Architects Organize to Oppose Border Wall
A wall already exists in various forms along some parts of the 2,000-mile long border between the U.S. and Mexico. Many in the building industry object to the use of money and design talent to construct an expanded border wall.
More recently, Architects / Designers / Planners for Social Responsibility (ADPSR), a public-benefit organization focused on the promotion of ecologically and socially responsible development, issued another open letter in response to the Department of Homeland Security’s request for proposals for prototypes of a border wall.
The message of the ADPSR letter is simple: the organization, representing more than 750 members across design professions, rejects any plan to build a border wall. The letter serves to reiterate the professional commitments of the design disciplines to protect public health, safety, and welfare, and describes how involvement with the construction of the border wall would violate the basic ethics of design. Describing the wall as a “project of hatred, racism, violence, and waste,” the letter outlines the organization’s objections to the wall, which include issues of human safety, international relations, and ecological impact.
Beyond stating these objections, the letter argues there are much better uses of both the money (an estimated $21.6 billion) and the design talent that would be involved in the border wall project, calling for these resources to be used instead to support homeland security by upgrading and restoring the country’s aging infrastructure, addressing urgent concerns of climate change in vulnerable regions, and devoting more attention to the nation’s housing crisis.
The ADPSR also encouraged its members to respond to the government’s solicitation by submitting alternative, “protest” bids that focus on supporting human rights and that highlight the design discipline’s investment in creating safe, healthy, humane solutions for the public good.
For more information:
Architects / Designers / Planners for Social Responsibility
Published May 2, 2017 Permalink Citation
Wilson, J. (2017, May 2). Architects Organize to Oppose Border Wall. Retrieved from https://www.buildinggreen.com/newsbrief/architects-organize-oppose-border-wall
logistics of wall does not make sense
Even us Canadians know that the logistics of building a wall on the portion from El Paso to the Gulf of Mexico is beyond belief. Do you give the Rio Grande River and accompanying border cities to Mexico by staying well back of the river, or do you usurp the river valley and build the wall on the Mexican side? Either way there are major territorial issues. If you follow the centreline of the river, the wall is 2x as long as it needs to be.
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