News Brief
New York State Launches Initiative to Scale Net-Zero Retrofits
The RetrofitNY program is meant to accelerate deep energy retrofits of New York State's existing building stock, starting with multifamily affordable housing projects.
The core of the initiative is an ongoing design-build competition—starting in August 2017—for affordable, replicable retrofit solutions that are able to reduce energy use by 70% or more. The state will subsidize the implementation of selected solutions on pilot buildings within New York’s affordable housing portfolio.
The results of these initial pilot projects will inform the next iteration of the competition. NYSERDA will organize successive competitive rounds until performance goals are met and the retrofit solutions become cost-effective. When that milestone is met, the goal is for the private sector to retrofit these buildings without additional public subsidies.
RetrofitNY is based on the Dutch program Energiesprong (“energy leap”), which developed a method for rapidly renovating the existing public housing stock in the Netherlands to achieve net-zero energy performance. The RetrofitNY program is working with Energiesprong International to adapt this approach for New York, and to address regulatory and financial challenges particular to the state.
For more information:
Published July 25, 2017 Permalink Citation
Wilson, J. (2017, July 25). New York State Launches Initiative to Scale Net-Zero Retrofits. Retrieved from
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