Feature Short
Financing Affordable Housing; Not for the Faint of Heart
Because most of the funds are government funds, they are also subject to political pressures.
by Nancy Eve Cohen
Getting funding for affordable housing, whether it’s green or not, is competitive and complex. That’s because there aren’t enough funds to address the unmet need for affordable homes. In addition, funding comes from multiple sources, including government programs, which are subject to political pressures.
Who’s Who in Affordable Housing
There was time when most of the affordable housing in the U.S. was built by the government. Since the 1970s, both for-profit and non-profit developers have built and renovated most of the affordable housing.
Published October 6, 2017
Cohen, N. (2017, October 6). Financing Affordable Housing; Not for the Faint of Heart. Retrieved from https://www.buildinggreen.com/feature-shorts/financing-affordable-housing-not-faint-heart