Product Guide
Outdoor Lighting
The best products...
- May be LED lighting that meets the performance metrics of the Design Lights Consortium (DLC) LUNA Technical Requirements v1.0
- May meet International Dark-Sky Association (IDA)/Illuminating Engineering Society’s TM-15 requirements for backlight, uplight, and glare (BUG)
- Should operate at 105 lumens per watt (lpw) or higher
- Should have color temperatures of 3000K or lower
- For both lighting and poles: when possible, should be certified Cradle to Cradle Silver v3.1 or higher, or have a third-party-verified Declare Red List Free label
But watch out for...
- Sodium vapor lighting
- Cold blue lighting with color temperatures above 3000K
- Outdoor lighting with efficacies lower than 105 lumens per watt (lpw)
- Lighting that does not meet the Illuminating Engineering Society’s TM-37-21 criteria for glare, uplight, light trespass, and other performance metrics
- Poor-quality light
- Poor lighting controls