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100 percent energy use reduction for federal government buildings

The President signs Energy Bill containing The 2030 Challenge targets After being passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives, the Energy Independence and Security Act became law yesterday with the President's signature. Section 433 of this bill requires that all federal buildings meet the energy performance standards of The 2030 Challenge. The key passage in this section states that:The News Page is worth bookmarking. You can also subscribe to their free email news distribution.buildings shall be designed so that the fossil fuel-generated energy consumption of the buildings is reduced, as compared with such energy consumption by a similar building in fiscal year 2003 (as measured by Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey or Residential Energy Consumption Survey data from the Energy Information Agency), by the percentage specified in the following table: Fiscal Year Percentage Reduction 2010 55 2015 65 2020 80 2025 90 2030 100To view Section 433 of the bill, click here and search for "Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007".
Published December 21, 2007 Permalink Citation
(2007, December 21). 100 percent energy use reduction for federal government buildings. Retrieved from
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