Blog Post — Now Even Better

The tech folks here at BuildingGreen just rolled out some great website improvements. A few are invisible ones of the sort that quietly improve the experience... but very visibly and most significantly (in my opinion), the News page — which is available by clicking the "News" button near the upper right of each page on the site — has been redesigned and ramped up. It rocks. The editorial team will be making expanded use of the News page in the near future — stay tuned for that... perhaps by using the RSS feed. The feature on the News page that I'm most excited about is having new comments made by Members on content from all over the site finally aggregated in one place. It's like the "Recent Comments" over on the right-hand side of the LIVE pages... but covering the entire BuildingGreen Suite. Tremendous.

Published February 19, 2008

(2008, February 19). — Now Even Better. Retrieved from—-now-even-better

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