Regreen Residential Remodeling Guidelines from ASID and USGBC
After months of hard work and collaboration, they're ready: the RegreenResidential Remodeling Guidelines, produced under a partnership of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) Foundation and the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). The guidelines were developed by a technical committee of diverse industry experts, and refined by public comment, to synthesize product selection, systems integration, and proven technologies. Organized according to the ten most common types of remodeling projects, the guidelines address scope, integrated pre-design issues, and environmental considerations, and provide a topical library of strategies as well as case studies of successful renovations.
Download it now if you haven't already.
A hearty handshake to the following people from BuildingGreen for the tremendous effort they gave to this project: Peter Yost, Amie Walter, Rachel Navaro, Julia Jandrisits, Alex Wilson, and Jennifer Atlee. Phil Scheffer isn't acknowledged in the document, but he did the tedious and valuable job of adding all the clickable links. These folks did a vast amount of work. (And I watched them do it. I did take the photos on pages 31 and 43, though, and they're clearly the most important pictures in the guide. Yep. I ain't proud.)
The "Gut Rehab" shot was taken during our office expansion in the old Estey Organ Factory buildings in Brattleboro, VT.
(2008, March 25). Regreen Residential Remodeling Guidelines from ASID and USGBC. Retrieved from
That's crazy - all that work you did for me and it's free!
Now I don't have to reinvent my green lists every time I start a remodeling project.
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