(click images to expand)Jerelyn and Alex Wilson of BuildingGreen
What kind of truck doesn't use any gasoline or diesel fuel to move heavy materials around the city? A bicycle truck, of course.
Back in March BuildingGreen was introduced to The New Amsterdam Project , a bicycle trucking firm in Cambridge, Ma. We tried them out moving our convention booth and materials in and out the NESEA BuildingEnergy 08 conference in Boston. If you attended BuildingEnergy this year, you may have seen their red bike-truck parked out front of the Seaport World Trade Center.
We think this is a great development in transportation for cities like Boston. No carbon emissions, no diesel fumes, much easier on roads and traffic, and fast and efficient. Here is what they say:
"NAP provides human-powered pick-up and delivery services for local businesses, organizations and universities. We can provide your business with full service route delivery- inclusive of drivers, fossil-fuel free vehicles, and unparalleled marketing opportunities for your business on our unique, environmentally friendly trucks."
Here is what the Christian Science Monitor says:
"In a city choked with diesel-spewing delivery trucks, the fledgling New Amsterdam Project (NAP), a Cambridge-based cargo-hauling company, is pedaling toward profits aboard an emissions-free fleet of urban 'cargo trikes.' "
We say... Look for the New Amsterdam Project cargo trike at the upcoming AIA National Convention at the Boston Convention Center. BuildingGreen will be using that cute red trike to move our material to and from the convention center again.
In Northampton, MA, we have Pedal People (http://www.pedalpeople.com/): "a human-powered delivery and hauling service for the Northampton, Massachusetts area." Watching one of the Pedal People riding up a hill with a full load of recycling and trash on a cold, slushy day is pretty incredible.
I hope there are more organizations around the country like this. If there aren't there need to be, they are great!
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