News Brief
Collins Pine Harvests 2 Billionth Board Foot
Collins Pine Company, based in Chester, California, has just harvested the two billionth board foot (4.7 million m3) of timber from its 94,000-acre (38,000 ha) Collins Almanor Forest. Harvesting activities in their northern Sierra forest began in 1941 when the company had approximately 1.5 billion board feet (3.5 million m3) of standing inventory. Today, after almost 60 years of sustainable harvesting, the forest still holds 1.5 billion board feet of diverse sizes and ages of standing timber and provides habitat for spotted owls, bald eagles, and salmon. In 1993, the Collins Almanor Forest became the first privately owned forest in the U.S. to receive Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification (see
Vol. 2, No. 4, page 4). For more information, visit
Published November 1, 2000 Permalink Citation
(2000, November 1). Collins Pine Harvests 2 Billionth Board Foot. Retrieved from
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