News Brief

Glenn Murcutt wins Pritzker Prize

A residence by Pritzker honoree Glenn Murcutt in Kangaroo Valley, NSW, Australia (1997-2000)

Photo: Anthony Browell
On May 29, the 2002

Pritzker Architecture Prize will be bestowed upon Australian architect

Glenn Murcutt, who is highly regarded for his ability to integrate the spare beauty of modernism at its best with great sensitivity to site, climate, and culture. Although he travels widely to teach and lecture, he has never accepted a commission for a project outside of his adopted home of Australia, arguing that one must live in a place to understand it well enough to design its buildings. Murcutt was born in London and grew up in New Guinea. Now 65 years old, Murcutt has worked as a sole practitioner from his office in Sydney since 1970. The award, which comes with a $100,000 grant and a bronze medallion, is considered architecture’s most prestigious prize. It is awarded annually by the Pritzker family, owners of the Hyatt hotel chain. More details on the prize and on Murcutt’s work can be found at

Published May 1, 2002

(2002, May 1). Glenn Murcutt wins Pritzker Prize. Retrieved from

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