News Brief

Energy Star Budget Cuts

According to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials, Energy Star® programs have prevented the release of over 150 million tons (136 million tonnes) of carbon emissions. Moreover,

every dollar spent on Energy Star returns $70 in benefits. Despite its success and bipartisan support, including recent praise from the White House, the energy conservation program is threatened by budget cuts. According to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, the Bush administration had originally planned to cut Energy Star funding by roughly 30% during fiscal year 2003, which ended in September. Under pressure, however, the White House reinstated about half of the proposed cuts. The extra funding must come from EPA’s overall budget. For more information on Energy Star, see EBN

Vol. 7, No. 6 or visit

Published October 1, 2003

(2003, October 1). Energy Star Budget Cuts. Retrieved from

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