News Brief

Not So Big Showhouse to Debut in Orlando

The Not So Big Showhouse debuts this month at the NAHB International Builders’ Show in Orlando, Florida—shuttles are scheduled to transport conference attendees to the house site nearby. Built according to principles outlined in Sarah Susanka’s Not So Big™ series of books, including Home by Design (Taunton Press, 2004), the showhouse incorporates a layout that is space- and energy-efficient with materials that are beautiful, durable, and “environmentally sound.”

Photo by Grey Crawford, courtesy of Taunton Press
“Builders and consumers are realizing that by reducing a home’s footprint through better design, they can put the savings into details that are high-quality, energy-efficient, and environmentally sound,” says Sarah Susanka, whose books started the Not So Big™ movement. A showhouse built according to Susanka’s principles debuts January 13–16, 2005 at the International Builders’ Show in Orlando, Florida. More than 100,000 visitors are expected to tour the house, built by the Bradford Building Corporation with technical oversight from building science consultant Steve Easley and green builder Ron Jones. Details and a virtual tour are online at

Published January 1, 2005

Boehland, J. (2005, January 1). Not So Big Showhouse to Debut in Orlando. Retrieved from

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