News Brief

Lewis and Clark State Office Building Achieves Platinum

The Lewis and Clark State Office Building in Jefferson City, Missouri, is designed around a four-story atrium overlooking the Missouri River Valley. The 120,000 ft2 (11,148 m2) building has achieved a LEED Platinum rating.

Photo: BNIM Architects
The Lewis and Clark State Office Building, home to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, achieved 53 points in the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED® for New Construction Rating System, earning a Platinum rating. Located in Jefferson City, Missouri, the 120,000 ft2 (11,148 m2) building restores the former site of a state surplus property depot and a prison building, both of which were deconstructed prior to the new construction. The site features bioswales, native plantings, and a 50,000-gallon (190,000-l) rainwater storage tank. The building, designed by BNIM Architects, is expected to use about three-fifths the energy of a conventional building.

Published April 3, 2006

Auerbach, R. (2006, April 3). Lewis and Clark State Office Building Achieves Platinum. Retrieved from

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