News Brief

Logan Airport's Terminal A Earns LEED Certification

Logan International Airport’s Terminal A, the first major airport terminal to be built in the U.S. since 9/11, is also the first airport terminal to earn LEED certification.

Photo: HOK
Delta Air Lines’ Terminal A at Boston’s Logan International Airport has become the first airline terminal to earn LEED® certification from the U.S. Green Building Council. The terminal, which earned 26 points in LEED, or a Certified-level rating, was designed by HOK and C&R/Rizvi, Inc., and guided by Delta and the Massachusetts Port Authority. The 640,000 ft2 (60,000 m2) project, including two structures connected by an underground moving walkway, features a roofing membrane and paving designed to reduce the project’s contribution to the urban heat-island effect, a stormwater filtration system, water-efficient plumbing and irrigation, extensive daylighting, high-performance glazing, and recycled and locally produced materials.

Published August 29, 2006

Boehland, J. (2006, August 29). Logan Airport's Terminal A Earns LEED Certification. Retrieved from

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