Design for Water

Good design conserves and improves the quality of water as a precious resource.

Learn more about the AIA Framework for Design Excellence.

Reproduced with permission of The American Institute of Architects, 1735 New York Avenue, N.W.; Washington, D.C. 20006

Design for Water

Deep Dives

Get up to speed on complex topics. You can also earn CEUs and download PDF Spotlight Reports.

Quick Takes

Jump straight to the essentials with these short explanations of green building concepts.

  • What Does It Mean to “Use Water”?


    The difference between consumptive and non-consumptive water use is like night and day in the world of policy and regulation.

Product Guidance

Unbiased information from our product experts helps you separate green from greenwash.

  • Composting Toilet Systems

    Product Guide

    Composting toilets are not for every project, but they do warrant consideration.

  • Faucets

    Product Guide

    Bathroom faucets and aerators with a flow rate of 1.0 gpm or less, plus other unique water-saving tech

  • Toilets

    Product Guide

    These residential and commercial models meet WaterSense criteria for efficiency and performance.

  • Urinals

    Product Guide

    Waterless urinals and high-efficiency fixtures that use 0.25 gallons per flush or less

In The News

We break news down to the essentials and provide expert analysis.


Thought-provoking opinions from the most trusted minds in sustainability.

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Learning Resources

Syllabus supplements and CEU content, with automatic reporting for AIA and GBCI.

  • Building Re-Entry with Arc


    Arc Skoru’s Chris Pyke explains Arc Re-entry and how it integrates with CDC and WHO recommendations, LEED pilot credits, the WELL Building Standard, and other frameworks.

  • Native Landscaping for Biodiversity

    Feature Article

     Removal of invasive plants and support of native plantings are critically important for maintaining healthy ecosystems.

  • Native Landscaping for Biodiversity

    Spotlight Report

    It may take hundreds or thousands of years to return to pre-industrial-age levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, but the loss of animal and plant species that is occurring today is, practically speaking, irreversible.

  • The BuildingGreen Guide to Building Product Certifications and Ecolabels

    Special Report

    This BuildingGreen publication provides a no-nonsense guide to the world of green building product certifications to help designers, purchasers, manufacturers, and others in the industry to focus on what is significant and relevant so that market forces can work and the industry can focus on bigger issues.

Just For Fun

Something weird happens every April at BuildingGreen...

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  • Remove quotes around phrases to match each word individually: "blue drop" will match less than blue drop.
  • You can require or exclude terms using + and -: big +blue drop will require a match on blue while big blue -drop will exclude results that contain drop.