BuildingGreen Launches LEEDuser

LEEDuser, which you can find at www.LEEDuser.com, was developed by BuildingGreen with the support of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) to assist users of LEED 2009. It serves projects using the five recently launched LEED 2009 rating systems (New Construction, Core & Shell, Schools, Commercial Interiors, and Existing Buildings Operations & Maintenance).
Our goal with LEEDuser is to demystify LEED and facilitate certification while supporting projects in achieving the highest possible environmental goals. We’ve diagrammed key aspects of each prerequisite and credit. We’ve compiled an extensive checklist of insider tips and suggestions to help with project certification. We’ve included the official LEED credit language in an accessible online format and a documentation toolkit with templates, calculators, and samples of typical completed LEED submittals.
We’re creating the LEEDuser content with the consultants at YRG Sustainability and a host of other LEED experts and topic-area specialists. Our team has extensive experience on project teams, as trainers, and as LEED certification reviewers.
LEEDuser is available now in beta release with free registration. It already covers the credits that users have found most challenging and will continue to expand throughout the summer. In October 2009, LEEDuser will become available by subscription at a single-user rate of $15 per month, in addition to other options. We encourage you to check out the site during the free registration period, at www.LEEDuser.com.
Published June 30, 2009 Permalink Citation
Malin, N. (2009, June 30). BuildingGreen Launches LEEDuser. Retrieved from https://www.buildinggreen.com/editorial/buildinggreen-launches-leeduser
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