News Analysis

Report Says Green Still Doesn't Drive Building Cost


Vol. 13, No. 8] with new data, Lisa Fay Matthiessen and Peter Morris of Davis Langdon still come to the same conclusion. There are so many huge cost factors in construction that it is not possible to detect any statistically significant difference between the cost of green and non-green buildings, they report in “Cost of Green Revisited,” released in July 2007. Based on an analysis of the budgets for 221 projects, of which 86 were pursuing some level of LEED certification, the report concludes that “buildings cannot be budgeted based on averages,” leaving open the question of whether, for any given building, a green agenda affects its cost.

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Published August 2, 2007

Malin, N. (2007, August 2). Report Says Green Still Doesn't Drive Building Cost. Retrieved from