Stephen Hardy, associate of BNIM Architects and project leader for Greensburg’s master plan, presents sustainable rebuilding objectives to the community. Greensburg is the first city in the U.S. requiring that all city-owned buildings meet LEED Platinum standards.
Credit: BNIM Architects The city council of Greensburg, Kansas (pop. 1,500), a town devastated by a tornado in May 2007 (see EBN Vol. 16, No. 12), announced in December 2007 that all city-owned buildings greater than 4,000 ft2 (400 m2) would be required to meet LEED Platinum standards. Greensburg, which is rebuilding with a focus on sustainability, became the first U.S. city to pass such a resolution. Similar laws elsewhere have so far called for lower levels of LEED certification. BNIM Architects of Kansas City, Missouri, the firm contracted to develop Greensburg’s master plan, helped draft the resolution, which requires the energy use of the buildings to be 42% lower than current building code requirements. For more information, see the BNIM Greensburg, KS Master Plan.
Navaro, R. (2008, February 3). First U.S. City Resolves to Build LEED Platinum. Retrieved from
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