News Brief
Rebuilt Kansas Community Now Powered Completely by Wind

These 1.25 MW wind turbines produce enough electricty to power the entire town of Greenburg, KS.
Photo: Joah BussertDeveloped by John Deere Renewables, the Greensburg Wind Farm began operating in March 2010 and generates more than enough energy to power all of the town’s homes and businesses on an annual basis. The 12.5 MW farm includes ten turbines that are rated at 1.25 MW each. Surplus renewable energy credits are being purchased by NativeEnergy, a green energy retailer, and sold as carbon offsets.
Greensburg was recently honored with an Edison Green Award, which recognizes communities that work to minimize their carbon footprint while creating green collar jobs and improving community health and self-sufficiency. For more information, see
Published June 1, 2010 Permalink Citation
Bragonier, E. (2010, June 1). Rebuilt Kansas Community Now Powered Completely by Wind. Retrieved from
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