News Brief

Getty Center is First LEED-EB Certified Facility

The Getty Center in Los Angeles, California is the first facility to gain certification through the balloted version of LEED for Existing Buildings (LEED-EB).

Photo: Julia Jandrisits
Home to the J. Paul Getty Museum and other programs of the J. Paul Getty Foundation, the Getty Center in Los Angeles, California, (see photo) is the first facility to gain certification through the official and balloted version of the LEED for Existing Buildings® (LEED-EB) Rating System. The certification was presented during the International Facility Managers Association Best Practices Forum, held at the Getty Center on February 14 and 15, 2005. The Getty Center was designed by Richard Meier & Partners Architects, LLP, and constructed between 1984 and 1997.

Published March 1, 2005

Malin, N. (2005, March 1). Getty Center is First LEED-EB Certified Facility. Retrieved from

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