News Brief

Green Seal Adds Windows and Window Films to Product List

Green Seal, the national environmental labeling organization, has added windows and window films to the list of products for which it has established minimum standards for certification (see EBN

Vol. 2, No. 6 for other products). The window standards address energy performance by considering U-values, Solar Heat Gain Coefficients, Visible Light Transmission Coefficients, and air leakage rates. The standards also look at possible heavy metals in frame components, toxics in product packaging, and consumer education activities. For window films, energy performance is rated based on solar heat gain and visible light transmission alone. For a copy of any Green Seal standards contact Amy Kostant, Director of Communications, Green Seal, 1250 23rd Street, NW, Suite 275, Washington, DC, 20037-1101; 202/331-7337; 202/331-7533 (fax).

Published July 1, 1994

(1994, July 1). Green Seal Adds Windows and Window Films to Product List. Retrieved from

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