News Brief
Home Depot Discontinues PFAS-Laden Carpets and Rugs

The move by Home Depot could herald an end to an entire class of chemicals in our building products.
Photo: Mike Mozart. License: CC BY 2.0.PFAS comprise a large class of chemicals that cause oil, dirt, and moisture to bead on a surface instead of soaking in. “Long-chain” versions like PFOA (formerly the main ingredient in Teflon) and PFOS (formerly the main ingredient in Scotchgard) have mostly been phased out of industry, but “short-chain” versions continue to be used. Long-chain PFAS have eight or more carbon-fluorine bonds and have been linked to endocrine disruption and cancers. Short-chain PFAS have fewer carbon-fluorine bonds and are considered less toxic, but they still persist in the environment, and their health impacts are unknown.
This move by Home Depot is remarkable in that it follows an emerging pattern of banning entire classes of chemicals (see California Law Bans Future Flame Retardants). The practice is in line with the recommendations of the Green Policy Science Institute, which calls for the complete phase-out of six classes of chemicals, including highly fluorinated substances like PFAS.
More on PFAS
Three Hazardous Textile Treatments and How to Avoid Them
The High Price of Stain Resistance: Environmental Persistence
For more information:
Home Depot
Published November 5, 2019 Permalink Citation
Melton, P. (2019, October 22). Home Depot Discontinues PFAS-Laden Carpets and Rugs. Retrieved from
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