Greg Franta Is Missing
In a case that has baffled his family, friends, colleagues, and the police, Gregory Franta, FAIA, has mysteriously disappeared. He was last seen having dinner with his daughter on Sunday, February 8, in Denver; and was captured on a surveillance camera leaving a club several hours later. He was driving a 2006 white Honda Civic Hybrid, four-door sedan, which has also not been found. The car had a ski rack on top and a sticker across the back reading “HYBRID ELECTRIC.” The vehicle has the Colorado license plate of 997-GKH.
Franta is revered nationally and internationally as an architect and green building consultant, with special expertise in solar design and daylighting of buildings. He is senior vice president at the nonprofit think tank and consulting firm Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), where he leads the Built Environment Team. Franta came to RMI in a merger of that organization with his design and consulting firm ENSAR Group (see EBN Sept. 2005).
Franta is known for his engaging presentation style and ever-present humor in addition to his deep technical knowledge and extensive experience. He is a LEED Faculty member, and was among the founders of The American Institute of Architects Committee on the Environment, among many other achievements.
Rocky Mountain Institute has an announcement about Greg’s disappearance on its homepage at www.rmi.org, and has promised to keep that updated with any new developments. Anyone with information that might help the search is encouraged to call the Boulder, Colorado police department at 303-441-3333. BuildingGreen joins his colleagues and loved ones in wishing for his safe return!
Published February 20, 2009 Permalink Citation
Malin, N. (2009, February 20). Greg Franta Is Missing. Retrieved from https://www.buildinggreen.com/op-ed/greg-franta-missing
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