News Brief
Mazria Launches Architecture 2030 to Combat Climate Change

The average annual temperature in the U.S. has risen steadily since 1980, making 2006 the warmest year on record.
Source: National Climatic Data Center/NESDIS/NOAAThe Passive Solar Energy Book and a leading advocate for energy efficiency in buildings, has created an organization to amplify his call to action. Architecture 2030 aims to “conduct research and provide information and innovative solutions in the fields of architecture and planning, in an effort to address global climate change,” according to its website. Mazria has identified architects as potential drivers of a solution to global warming: “We control what goes into the construction of a building . . . we can change the industrial sector at the stroke of a pen,” he says. Architecture 2030 was created by Mazria Inc. Odems Dzurec, an architecture and planning firm, and sponsored by the nonprofit New Energy Economy. The organization is online at
Published February 1, 2006 Permalink Citation
Malin, N. (2006, February 1). Mazria Launches Architecture 2030 to Combat Climate Change. Retrieved from
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